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alarm bell 警鐘;警鈴。

alarm clock

For example , the escalation of employees compensation insurance premium several years ago sounded an alarm bell that we must attend to the growing problem of workplace safety . as a result , government , employers , employees and the insurance industry made joint effort to improve employees safety and reduce industrial accidents and bring the premium back to a more reasonable level 例如數年前勞工保險保費急升,反映出勞工安全可能出了問題,社會必須正視,之后經過政府、雇主、勞工界及保險業共同努力,改善勞工安全,減低工傷事故,保費亦隨之下降。

If one believes that the market allocates resources efficiently , then , especially in hong kongs environment of open markets for trade and capital , one should perhaps not worry unduly about such questions , provided that other financial or monetary indicators are not sounding alarm bells 如果大家相信市場能有效分配資源,尤其在香港這個貿易及資本均保持對外開放的環境里,便不應過分擔心這類問題,除非其他金融或貨幣指標出現了警號則例外。

Currently , the society security problem is more attached importance . especially , the 911 events in the usa had struck at the alarming bell for the society security problem . governments and leaders in every country attach importance to struggling against terrorism 當前,社會的安全問題越來越受到人們的重視,特別是美國911事件的發生,給全世界的安全問題敲響了警鐘,反恐怖斗爭受到了各國政府和領導的高度重視。

But the us government ' s announcement in the fall of 1990 of plans to negotiate a trade agreement with mexico rang alarm bells in the environmental community in north america and launched trade and environment as a prominent issue 但美國政府在1990年的秋天公告的計劃,讓與墨西哥談判的貿易協定敲響了警鐘,在北美洲的環境共同體提出了貿易與環境之間作為一個重要的問題。

Jake melnick ' s corner tap said the wings made with red savina pepper will be served with an alarm bell for patrons to summon waiters with sour cream , milk sugar and white bread if things get out of hand 杰克梅爾尼克的街角酒塞指出,這道以墨西哥沙維那紅辣椒烹煮出的雞翅餐,上菜時將一并給顧客一只警鈴,以便事態失控時,可以召喚服務生提供酸奶油、乳糖與白面包。

The concentration of mathane monitor controlled by chip microprocessors , is able to sound the alarm bell based on the limit of mathane concentration , and start device to drain the gas at the same time 本文設計的用單片微機控制的甲烷濃度報警監控儀,是采用熱催化原理(俗稱黑白元件)探頭制成的甲烷濃度測量儀,適用于中小型煤礦井下各作業場所中測量空氣中的甲烷濃度。

They should also explain why the tax authorities allowed this debt situation to reach these current figures , without intervening earlier , without sounding the alarm bell 同時,他們也需要說明為什么稅務部門允許債務累加到目前如此巨大的數額,沒有任何的前期干預,也沒有警告。

This device is operated manually by person who discovers fire . by breaking the glass it will lead to the sounding of the fire alarm bells throughout the building 這一方法是在有人發現火災時現場予以處理,打破玻璃將觸響火災警鈐并遍及整個建筑。

But , the epic ' s rotenberg says , it ' s not time yet to sound the alarm bells on improved digital maps or other such services “第一種事物就是數字地圖,它已經出現一陣子了。現在這類地圖可以結合動畫,圖像和人們或店鋪的方位(經緯度) 。 ”

And as funds with huge fortunes to invest chase a shrinking number of targets , rating agencies are once again sounding alarm bells over credit quality 隨著擁有大筆資金的大基金投資對象的范圍逐漸縮小,評級機構們再次對信貸質量敲響了警鐘。

Germany ' s economic recovery was initially powered by exports , and in france the euro ' s rise has raised alarm bells about export competitiveness 德國經濟復蘇的最初動力正是來自于出口,而在法國,歐元走強引發了對出口競爭力的擔憂。

If a country tries to hide vital data about a potential pandemic , dr chan can override national sensitivities and ring the alarm bells 如果一國試圖隱瞞一場潛在的傳染病的關鍵性數據,陳博士可以不顧國別敏感性,拉響警鈴。

In his view , a pinch , a whack or a poke essentially tugged on a neural rope that then rang a pain alarm bell in the brain 他的看法是,無論是捏、打或戳的動作,基本上都拉動了某根神經索,而敲響腦中某個疼痛的警鈴。

School safety has set off alarm bells in china with frequent reports of serious accidents that students got injured or killed 校園安全已敲響了警鐘,在中國經常發生嚴重意外,有學生受傷或死亡

Grains ' shortage in some provinces or autonomous regions rings the alarm bell of gansu which has been short of grains since 1990s 摘要部分省區糧食趨緊給長期缺糧的甘肅敲響了警鐘。

That is why the consolidation of europe ' s package - holiday industry might not ring too many alarm bells in brussels 這就是為什么歐洲套餐旅游業的合并可能并不會引起歐盟總部的警覺。

Alarm bell control switch 警鈴控制電門

When trapped , you should alert the caretaker by pressing the alarm bell button 被困時應按動求援按鈕,以通知管理員,

Alarm bell ringing - ooh . shh ! quiet down 哦,安靜點!